Pre-Law Literature

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The amount of books and audible books online, in the library are endless but these are the top rated pre-law literature listed. The Federalist Papers by Publius, Swimming lessons for baby sharks by Grover E. Cleveland, 1L of a ride by Andrew J.Mcclurg, Just mercy by Bryan Stevenson, 24 hours

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Law in Mexico

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Today, Mexico has recently begun using a new criminal justice system, Recent meaning within the last ten years. This new system was put in place to reduce the number of wrongful convictions, which previously ran in high numbers. Law in Mexico had been a big issue do to several various

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The Responsibilities Of Lawyers

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Many readers,s, never having had experience with an attorney, wonder how lawyers work, and why lawyers are needed to get justice within the law. Judge Napolitano, a skilled lawyer, enjoys working in the justice system.  Firstly, the law is a complex business. While there are a million different opinions as

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