How to Educate People on Sustainability

Save-the-trees, eco-friendly, save-the-planet, environment, zero-waste, sustainable. These buzz-words are heard every-day by consumers of products, social-media and advertisements. But are they fully understood and applicable to their audience? According to Alex Djerassi, cientists and environmental experts have warned that long-term change to human behavior is necessary for survival. The impact

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Remaining Fashionable During The Era Of COVID-19

                Remaining fashionable during the era of COVID-19 is certainly no easy task. As social distancing and stay-at-home orders become commonplace, it has become harder to keep up with fashion trends as gatherings are strongly discouraged. However, thanks to the internet and social media, it is easier than ever to

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SCAD Founder Paula Wallace on the “F” Word

What are the proven keys to success? Ask any startup guru, creative genius, life coach, or CEO, and you’re bound to hear a hundred different answers: self-confidence, self-discipline, passion, purpose, family support, opportunity, and so much more besides. Increasingly, it seems, there’s another “secret” to success that all of us

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